Health and Safety
The College recognizes that people are a key resource within the organization and therefore fully accepts its responsibilities with regard to the health, safety and well-being of its staff, students within its care and where appropriate, visitors to its premises, and others who could be affected by its activities.
The College will provide and maintain, so far as is reasonably practicable, working and learning environments, on and offsite, and systems of work, which are safe, without risks to health, and as a minimum satisfy the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and associated legislation.
As employer the Board of Governors also understands the need to work in partnership with its managers and staff in the creation and promotion of the positive health and safety culture necessary to support the College in achieving its overall aim of providing an education of the highest quality and allowing all students to achieve their potential.
In recognizing that staff have an important and beneficial contributory role to play in the management of health and safety arrangements, their participation in the consultation process will form an integral part in the planning and development of the safety management system. To assist in this process, effective arrangements for the communication of appropriate information will be formulated.
It is recognized that the control of health and safety is a management function with each level of management/supervision accountable to the one above and responsible for the one below.
Risks will be minimized by forward planning using competent staff trained and resourced to an appropriate extent whilst working to attainable standards.
The College recognizes that the effective management of health and safety plays an important role in its overall performance as an educational establishment by;
- reducing injuries and ill health
- safeguarding students
- protecting the environment and by the avoidance of unnecessary losses and liabilities.
Health and safety performance will be subject to regular and routine monitoring, the results of which will be reviewed at least annually in order to maintain and improve where necessary the required standards.
The Organization section of this document defines the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Governors, Principalship, Senior and Operational management and staff who will implement this Policy in the manner detailed in the Arrangements.
The Board of Governors require each member of staff, as well as all students and visitors to the College to exercise their individual responsibility under health and safety legislation to ensure their acts or omissions do not adversely affect themselves or others; and to co-operate fully with the College and its management.
Without affecting the generality of the above statement, the College will pay particular attention to the implementation of the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 and associated legislation in so far as;
- The provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work, which are safe, and without risks to health.
- The production of arrangements in connection with the handling storage and use of any article or substance to ensure safety and an absence of risk to health.
- The provision of suitable and sufficient information training and supervision necessary for health and safety purposes.
- The provision and maintenance of workplaces which are safe and without risk to health.
- The provision and maintenance of working environments and adequate arrangements for welfare at work.
- This policy will be subject to review on at least an annual basis so as to ensure it continues to lead the development of standards of health and safety, which reflect the needs, and aspirations of the College.
Health and Safety Welfare Policy
Health and Safety Policy Statement