Further Education Colleges became independent as a result of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992. As a result of this South Devon College has a Governing Body which is ultimately responsible for the success of the College. It governs in accordance with the Instrument and Articles of Government which sets out six specific functions that the Governing Body is responsible for:
- The determination and review of the educational character and mission of the College and the oversight of its activities
- Approving the quality strategy of the College
- Publishing arrangements for obtaining the views of staff and students on the determination and periodic review of the educational character and mission of the institution and the oversights of its activities
- The effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the College and safeguarding its assets
- Approving annual estimates of income and expenditure
- The appointment, appraisal and, if necessary, dismissal of Senior Post Holders, including the Clerk
- Setting a framework for the pay and conditions of service of all other staff
South Devon College is also an exempt charity.
Governing Body Composition
The current composition of the Governing Body is:
12 Members
Those who have the necessary skills to ensure that the functions of the Governing Body
(Corporation) are carried out in accordance with Article 3 of the Articles of Government.
2 Staff Members
Members of the staff of the College, one academic and one business support, nominated and elected by the staff of the College.
2 Student Members
Students of the College, one FE and one HE, elected and nominated by students of the College.
1 Principal
The Principal of the College.
Standing Orders
The Governing Body Standing Orders set out the formal structure of South Devon College and the overall regulatory framework for the conduct of its business. They are an essential part of the framework of controls, which the Governing Body has put in place to ensure that all activities are carried out in accordance with the law and the Nolan Committee’s seven principles of public life, which underpin the work of the public sector. The Governing Body also pursues excellence by benchmarking its governance practice against the AoC Code of Good Governance for English Colleges.
All governors are required to declare any interests, both financial and personal, which could be perceived as influencing their judgement. Governors’ completed declarations of interest are available to inspect on request to the Clerk.
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