Governing Body
The Governing Body meets three times a year, and meetings last 2 hours. The Governing Body also meets twice a year for Strategic Planning meetings, these last for 4 hours.
A minimum individual attendance at Governing Body meetings is currently set at 80%. This target is reviewed annually.
Governors are expected to sit on at least one Committee of the Governing Body. Currently, the Governing Body has the following Committees:
Audit Committee
Audit Committee is responsible for monitoring the College’s internal controls and management systems, for providing advice to the Governing Body on the effectiveness of these systems and for providing a medium for communication with the Corporation’s auditors.
Curriculum and Quality Committee (Incorporating the HE Committee)
Curriculum and Quality Committee is responsible for ensuring student success, progression and satisfaction is maximised with continuous review and improvement of strategies, policies, procedures and data relating to quality, teaching, learning and assessment.
Remuneration Committee
Remuneration Committee is responsible for considering all matters relating to the Senior Post Holders (SPH) of the Corporation, reviewing and determining the policy on remuneration, advising on the specific remuneration packages and receiving annual appraisals.
People and Resources Committee
The People and Resources Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Governing Body on the annual estimates of income and expenditure, financial monitoring, and approving broad College policies relating property/accommodation. It also reviews and approves policies including Health and Safety. The Committee is also responsible for approving major external contracts, which are consistent with the College’s Strategic Plan.
Search and Governance Committee
The Search and Governance Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Governing Body on the nomination of candidates for appointment as members of the Governing Body in accordance with the Instruments and Articles of Government and to recommend policies and procedures for such appointments. The Committee also considers and advises the Corporation on the composition and balance of the Governing Body and its Committees.
Minutes of Governing Body meetings can be obtained by emailing [email protected].