Arrangements for obtaining the views of staff and students
South Devon College – Educational character and mission
The Instrument & Articles of Government of the College require the publication of arrangements for consulting with students and staff at the College on the determination and periodic review of the educational character and mission of the College and the oversight of its activities.
The views of students and staff are vital to shaping the College’s strategy and approach. The College has a rigorous, inclusive and structured programme which uses a range of methods by which students and staff are consulted and their views obtained including:
- Academic Board
- Staff Surveys and Evaluations
- Staff Development Days
- Staff Governors
- Staff Meetings
- Consultation and scheduled meetings with Recognised Unions
- Team Meetings
- Staff “Your Ideas” Scheme
- Governors ‘Meet the Staff’ Event (once a year)
- Annual Consultation on and feedback of the College’s Mission, Strategic Leadership Plan and Visions
- Student Consultative Meetings
- Student Governors
- Student Course Representatives
- Student Surveys and Evaluations
- Tutorial Groups
- Governors ‘Meet the Students’ Events (twice a year)
- Annual Consultation on and feedback of the College’s Mission, Strategic Leadership Plan and Visions
The arrangements for staff and student meetings are set out annually in the College Internal Management Calendar, which is the framework for undertaking and completing the College’s cycle of business and process of communication and feedback.
Two Staff Governors are appointed and two Student Governors are elected to the Corporation Board and play a full part in the Board’s work. Staff and Student Governors serve on the Committees of the Corporation Board. Student Governors produce a termly report for the Governing Body.
The above methods are not exhaustive and are kept under annual review to ensure they are fully accessible and meet the needs of Staff and Students and the Board in obtaining a wide range of views.
Consultation outcomes are fed into the planning process by College Leaders and used by the Executive and Senior Leaders to inform the strategic direction of the College which is reviewed and approved by the Corporation Board.
The Principal’s Report, produced termly for the Corporation, includes a Corporate Dashboard and commentary which monitors key indicators essential for progressing the College’s Strategy.