7th March 2022
Calling Parents and Carers- Let’s Talk Teenagers
‘Let’s Talk Teenagers’ is a series of online support sessions occurring during March. These sessions are an opportunity for parents and carers of teenagers and pre-teens to hear about the challenges young people are facing today. The sessions are being funded by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Safer Devon Partnership, South Devon and Dartmoor Community Safety Partnership and Teignbridge Council for Voluntary Service. These evening sessions are free and will be running from 7.00-8.30 pm on Tuesday the 8th,15th and 22nd March. The sessions are designed to empower parents and carers to support their teenagers through the challenges they are faced with every day, covering topics such as:
- Drugs and Alcohol
- Body Image
- Safety Online
- Mental Health
- Social Risks
- Peer Pressure
The sessions are an opportunity to find out about challenges and the tools available to you which you are able to use to support them. You will also be able to learn different tips, techniques and sources to go to for help and support. Session 1 on the 8th March is on how current community issues affect family life, the second on the 15th is on respectful relationships, and the final session on the 22nd March is on family strengthening.
Visit devon.cc/teenagers to find out more about each session and book your free place.
At South Devon College, we offer a wide variety of support to our parents, carers and students.
To find out about this support: