15th May 2024
South West Water have reported that low levels of cryptosporidium have been found in the local water supply. We have now had confirmation from South West Water that the area affected includes South Devon College Vantage Point, SWEC and Marine Academy campuses.
Please do not drink tap water onsite from taps or drinking fountains until further notice. South West Water advise that drinking tap water is safe if it is boiled first. Please only consume bottled water or water that has been boiled – this can be consumed either hot, or cooled.
South Devon College will remain open and continue to operate as usual. All exams will take place as planned. We would advise that students bring bottled or pre-boiled, cooled water to consume during exams if possible. Please note that for exams, water needs to be contained in a clear bottle.
The College has not been informed of any confirmed cases of infection in staff or students. If you are concerned that your health may have been affected, please contact your GP.
For a detailed breakdown on what’s happened so far, please visit South West Water’s webpage
We will keep you updated as the situation develops – please continue to take the measures outlined here whilst onsite until we confirm otherwise.