14th November 2019
The Hi Tech & Digital Centre has drawn a lot of attention to the scale of the hi-tech sector that is thriving under a lot of people’s noses in the South West. As well as its important purpose and vision, what catches people’s eye as they pass by is the incredible lighting.
It’s drawn so much attention in fact, that it isn’t just shortlisted for one award… It’s shortlisted for two!
The Hi Tech & Digital Centre sits proudly as the only shortlisted entry from the South West in the Darc Awards Structures (Best exterior scheme) category and is also shortlisted in the Surface Design Awards for the Light & Surface Exterior category too.
The lighting was designed by Michael Grubb Studio who are renowned for many large scale lighting designs including the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and the McLaren 2018 F1 launch.
South Devon College are proud to have had our facility recognised as a contender in this competition. The final results will be eagerly anticipated by all those that were part of the production of this building; Midas Construction, LHC Design, Michael Grubb Studio, and our partners and sponsors.
The Hi Tech & Digital Centre (HTDC) combines £8.13m from the Heart of the South West LEP’s Growth Deal funding from the Heart of the South West LEP, as well as funding support from European Regional Development Fund, Higher Education Funding Council for England, Garfield Weston Foundation, Torbay Council, South Devon College and private sector investment. It will be a flagship facility, alongside other Institutes of Technology developments in the country.