8th July 2016
South Devon College student Jordan Thorpe is heading to the ITF Taekwon-Do World Championships in Brighton at the end of July. He will be representing the GB squad. Participants of the competition will be required to showcase a variety of disciplines such as, patterns, sparring, special technique and power breaking.
Currently studying L3 Sport Science at South Devon College, Jordan’s spare time is dedicated to training for the competition in Totnes. He said, “I’ve been training for such a long time, everything has been leading up to this moment and I’m really looking forward to participating in the World Championships.” Jordan hopes to go to University one day, but for now his main focus is on competing in Brighton.
Friends of South Devon College have kindly donated £300 towards his sponsorship.
Good Luck Jordan!
Jordan, pictured with his Tutor David Gould, recieves his donation for sponsorship from Alan Hart, Chair of Friends of South Devon College, also present South Devon College governors Paul Haigney (far left) and Christina Vincent (far right)