English Language A Level
In A Level English Language all kinds of texts are examined, from cartoon-strips and food labels to political speeches and song lyrics.
The focus of this course is the detailed and systematic analysis of language in both its spoken and written modes.
You will develop a thorough understanding of lexis and semantics, grammar, text organisation, pragmatics (the hidden meanings of language) and the supportive use of images.
You will also conduct a detailed study of English Language in its social contexts by examining how power, gender and technology shape and reshape how language is used.
Course Details
- You must have a GCSE Grade 5(B) in English
- You must have a GCSE Grade 4(C) in Maths
- You must have 5 GCSEs at Grade 4(C) or above
Language and social groups
Language and region
Language and gender
Language and ethnicity
Child language acquisition
Language change
Language in the world
I progressed from studying the Applied Law Diploma to study the FdA Law at University Centre South Devon. It was such a rewarding decision providing me with the first steps into my career and the tutors were amazing, helpful and insightful.Jasmin Arthurs